The following slides show how to use the TensorFlow.js.

Slide 12.ⓐ: TensorFlow (reference)
Slide 12.ⓑ: W3Schools’s TensorFlow (reference)

Slide 12.1: Introduction to TensorFlow (video: 2:34 & 1:56 minutes)
Slide 12.2: Using TensorFlow.js
Slide 12.3: TensorFlow.js tutorial
Slide 12.4: Creating a tensor
Slide 12.5: Retrieving tensor values
Slide 12.6: Tensor data types
Slide 12.7: TensorFlow.js operations
Slide 12.8: Tensor division
Slide 12.9: TensorFlow.js models
Slide 12.10: Collecting data
Slide 12.11: Tensorflow optimizers
Slide 12.12: TensorFlow.js visor
Slide 12.13: Bar graphs

      The guy who stole my diary just died.    
      My thoughts are with his family.