Linux Server Sign-in

You may use an SSH (Secure Shell) client such as PuTTY (PC) or Termius (Mac) to access the server by using the following parameters:
  • Host name (or IP address):

      Students: (
      Faculty: (

  • Port: 22, and
  • Connection type: SSH .

Once you are in the SSH client, enter the following parameters:
    Login as:
    Your Linux account ID (should be the same as your UND user ID)
    Your Linux account password (should be the same as your UND user password)
    Passcode (or option):
    1 (most likely)

Alternatively, you may create the scripts on your PC and then transfer them to undcemcs02 by using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tool such as WinSCP. If you are off campus or not able to connect to the servers or tools like wirelessly or remotely, you may need to use VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access it.