CSCI 513 Advanced Database Systems

(a practical and no-nonsense course)
(a course for database-driven electronic/mobile commerce system construction)
Database JDBC Oracle PL/SQL SQL SQL Developer
SQLite SQL*Plus Oracle OR 11g Oracle OR 10g Object-oriented Oracle
Software/Tool Java Perl Unix shell Emacs Linux
Web Tool CGI (X)HTML W3Schools CGI 101
Android Tutorial Android Getting started Building app Android - Vogella Android application development
Android design guidelines Android developers Android programming
SQLite Android SQLite database tutorial Android SQLite tutorial Using SQLite
General Information Discord EE/CS Wiki EITS UND help Stackoverflow

Syllabus: Fall 2024   Credit hours: 3
Class times: 03:30pm – 04:45pm, TuTh Classroom: Leonard Hall 107
Class # (on-campus: 513-01): 22452 Class # (on-line: 513-02): 22453

Instructor: Wen-Chen Hu   (my teaching philosophy) Office: Upson II 366K
: Email:
Office hours: 02:30pm – 04:30pm, MoWeFr
Prerequisite: CSCI 455 Database Management Systems
Synchronous class delivery: The class lectures will be delivered synchronously via, and the Zoom video will be posted on the Blackboard afterwards. Students can watch the video clips anytime they want.
Lecture notes: No textbook will be used. Instead award-winning, interactive, informative, and practical lecture notes (based on books, papers, online documents, and user manuals) and detailed and precise class instructions will be provided. Collectively, the lecture notes and instructions are more like a small book, which supplies much more information than regular notes do and makes the subject studies much easier. Students will not have problem learning the subjects or taking the exams after studying them and doing programming exercises.



Tentative Schedule:


Class Topic   Due   Where
0 0. Computer Career and Data Research & Technologies    
  0.1 A computer career    
  0.2 Data research    
  0.3 Data technologies    
1 08/27
1. Introduction to CSCI 513    
  1.1 Course outline    
  1.2 Databases to build    
  1.3 Software to be used    
2 09/03
2. Programming Exercise I    
  2.1 Specifications    
  2.2 A sample website    
  2.3 Construction steps    
09/04  Last day to add a course or drop without record — 100% refund
 Last day to add audit or change to/from audit
 Last day to receive a refund on a dropped class
 Drops after the last day to add will appear on a transcript.
3 09/10
3. Essential Technologies for Exercise Construction    
  3.1 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)    
  3.2 CGI (Common Gateway Interface)    
  3.3 Using Oracle    
4 09/17
4. Database Models    
  4.1 Relational databases    
  4.2 Object-oriented databases    
  4.3 Website construction summary    
5 09/24
5. Oracle Databases    
  5.1 Oracle SQL*Plus    
  5.2 Oracle data dictionary    
  5.3 SQL (Structured Query Langauge)    
6 10/01
6. Web-JDBC Programming    
  6.1 GET and POST methods    
  6.2 CGI forms and input fields    
  6.3 CGI radio buttons and checkboxes EX I  
7 10/10 7. JDBC Programming    
  7.1 Database connection    
  7.2 Query execution    
  7.3 Processing the result sets    
Exam I (for both on-campus and on-line students; 06:30pm – 08:30pm, Tuesday)
8 10/15
8. Introduction to Android Programming    
  8.1 Programming Exercise II    
  8.2 Android introduction    
  8.3 An Android hello-world project    
9 10/22
9. Android User Interface Processing    
  9.1 Hypertext    
  9.2 Radio buttons    
  9.3 Checkboxes    
10 10/29
10. Android SQLite Database    
  10.1 Using SQLite    
  10.2 SQLite shell commands    
  10.3 SQLite in Android    
11 11/05
11. An Android SQLite Project    
  11.1 SQLite data declaration    
  11.2 SQLite data management    
  11.3 An SQLite example    
12 11/12
12. Oracle Object-Relational SQL    
  12.1 Object types, tables, and references    
  12.2 Constructor methods    
  12.3 Data dictionary and objects    
11/15  Last day to change to or from S/U grading
 Last day to change to or from audit grading
 Last day to drop a full-term course or withdraw from school
13 11/21 13. Oracle PL/SQL    
  13.1 Control structures    
  13.2 Cursors    
  13.3 Procedures and functions    
Exam II (for both on-campus and on-line students; 06:30pm – 08:30pm, Tuesday)
14 11/26 14. Oracle Object-Relational SQL (Cont.)    
  14.1 Nested tables    
  14.2 VARRAY (varying-length array)    
  14.3 Methods  
Holidays, Thanksgiving Break (WeThFr) — no classes
15 12/03
15. Object-Oriented DBMSs    
  15.1 A non-relational representation    
  15.2 Object-oriented properties    
  15.3 Object-oriented database properties    
16 12/10
16. Object-Oriented DBMSs (Cont.)    
  16.1 A DBMS classification matrix    
  16.2 Aspects of OODB languages    
  16.3 OODB language features EX II  
17 12/17
Final exam (for both on-campus and on-line students; 06:30pm – 08:30pm, Tuesday)
18 12/24 Grades posted before noon, Tuesday    

According to IT Career Finder, Best Computer Jobs for the Future (03/18/2024) are listed as follows:

  1. IT security specialist (not developer; average salary: $112,000)
  2.  Mobile application developer  (average salary: $127,000)
  3. Software engineer (average salary: $124,000)
  4. Video game designer (including developer; average salary: $81,000)
  5. Computer systems analyst (not developer; average salary: $102,000)
  6.  Web developer  (average salary: $79,000)
  7. Health information technician (average salary: $58,000)
  8. Technology manager (average salary: $164,000)
  9.  Database administrator (including developer)  (average salary: $112,000)
  10. Network administrator (not developer; average salary: $91,000)

Computer science is different from many other disciplines (like electrical engineering). It is more like a professional school (such as culinary schools), which emphasizes practical works instead of subject studies because many IT companies want the new recruitees to start contributing immediately. There are three kinds of computing personnel: Unless you have an impressive resume or a strong connection, practicing tens or hundreds of questions posted at the LeetCode is a must in order to secure a job at corporations (like Google and Facebook). Otherwise, your chance of answering the questions correctly is low because of their high difficulty and time constraint. In addition, you need to create LinkedIn pages to show your achievements, and may consider uploading your projects to the GitHub to showcase them.

Remark I: Definitions, terminologies, and theories will be discussed minimally in this course. Instead practical works and programming knowledge will be emphasized and enforced. The old technology, CGI (Common Gateway Interface), will be used to connect the Web to JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) programs because of the limited resources provided by the CEM, but CGI has no problem implementing the features used by other technologies (like ASP.NET or PHP). Also, the focus of this course is on databases, instead of Web-database connection.

Remark II: Database technologies like programming languages have no breakthroughs for years, so old, new, these, or those textbooks are pretty much the same. In other words, not much database research is left to do. However, databases are still a useful tool for other research areas like data science including data (web) mining and discovery, information retrieval, and mobile data management (e.g., location-based services). Don’t mention databases are a must tool for many applications such as e/m-commerce sites and IT systems.

Remark III: This is an advanced database course, so the instructor assumes that you have fundamental database knowledge like SQL. For further advanced topics, check CSCI 515 Data Engineering and Management using the methods of data mining and data science. For fundamental databases, check CSCI 455 Database Management Systems.

Remark IV: Web, mobile, and database programming is a must for IT developers, and the only effective way to learn software development is practicing, instead of studying concepts or writing some testing programs.
No pain, no gain 😂
Remark V: According to a study, students in computer-science courses learn much more by building large-scale exercises instead of many small-scale test programs, which give fragmented knowledge contrary to solid understanding of the system.

Remark VI: Remote work is a trend for IT workers. This course also allows you to learn how to do it by using the VPN (virtual private networks) to connect to our Linux server, and having the exercises set up at the server and be accessed from the clients.

Instructor’s qualification: The instructor’s PhD dissertation is titled “An image database system based on a linear skeleton representation,” which includes a database-driven web system by using Perl and Sybase in 1997, when not many people were familiar with the Web. In fact, all his research to date uses or relates to databases, but not tries to build or enhance a DBMS (database management system). In addition, he is familiar with many kinds of databases like Oracle, MySQL, Google Firebase, SQLite, Microsoft Access, Sybase, and MongoDB.

University of North Dakota Course Descriptions (CSCI 513) —
An advanced study of database system architecture, implementation, and applications, with emphasis on the object-oriented, object-relational, and embedded data models, and new database advancements including research and practical issues in database systems and data science.

Database Outline —
A collection of information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data. To access information in a database, you need a database management system (DBMS), which is a collection of programs that enables you to enter, organize, and select data in a database.

Object-Oriented Database Outline —
An object-oriented database system is a system offering DBMS facilities in an object-oriented programming environment. Data is stored as objects and can be interpreted only using the methods specified by its class. The relationship between similar objects is preserved (inheritance) as are references between objects. Queries can be faster because joins are often not needed (as in a relational database). This is because an object can be retrieved directly without a search, by following its object ID. The same programming language can be used for both data definition and data manipulation. The full power of the database programming language’s type system can be used to model data structures and the relationship between the different data items.

A System Structure of a Generic Web-Enabled Database System —

Client-Side Mobile/Handheld Programming Steps —

An Internet-Enabled and Mobile Database Course Sequence —
This is part of an Internet/mobile-enabled database course sequence offered by me:
CSCI 260 .NET and World Wide Web Programming

CSCI 457 Electronic and Mobile Commerce Systems

DATA 520 Databases

CSCI 513 Advanced Database Systems

CSCI 515 Data Engineering and Management

DATA 525 Data Engineering and Mining
The following platforms, software, and tools used in these courses greatly help students land a decent job: