Copied directly from the email:

East Carolina University is hosting an NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates from May 23 to July 29. The topic of the REU is Software and Data Analytics.

I think this is a great opportunity for students that are interested in research (or think they may be!), but aren't really sure what it entails, or if they would even enjoy doing research, to get some hands-on experience. Feel free to have them contact me (my ECU email address is or Dr. Nasseh Tabrizi (, the PI for the grant) for more details about the REU. Students can also go to our REU website, where they can find a link to apply, as well as information on residency and academic requirements:

We also have a flyer which we would appreciate your help in distributing. You can find it by going to our REU website (link in the prior paragraph) or by clicking here:

The deadline for applying is March 15, 2022.

Mark Hills
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
East Carolina University