Firebase Database for the Web

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Firebase is an ecosystem of Google tools that can be used to make full-stack, scalable applications in the Google Cloud (called Cloud Firestore) or Realtime Database. It’s categorized as a backend-as-a-service (or BaaS) which gives developers the opportunity to create applications without the hassle of setting up the backend.

A NoSQL, cloud, realtime database
Firebase offers two databases: Cloud Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database. All of the data, products, and services on Firebase are backed by Google components. This means that there is no need for any middleware: the client SDKs offered by Firebase communicate with these Google backend services.

A simplified database query
Data retrieval is made easy with Firebase through its queries, which you can make by chaining filter methods together.

A cloud messaging system
The Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) offers a reliable connection between your devices and server, making it easy to receive messages on the web, iOS, and Android.

Easy and reliable authentication
Firebase has built-in backend services, UI libraries, and SDK’s to form its reliable authentication system

A hassle-free hosting platform
Firebase hosting requires almost no learning curve. With Firebase, you can host all your static files, serving them from a global CDN with HTTP/2.