Palm OS 68K Application with PACE Native Objects:
If you are an experienced developer accustomed to working with the 68K API but you want to take advantage of the ARM CPUs that power Palm OS Garnet and Cobalt handhelds, then you can create PACE native objects (PNO).
PNO is an ARM-native subroutine that your 68K application calls using the PceNativeCall( ) function.
Palm OS Protein Application:
To take full advantage of new features introduced in Palm OS Cobalt, create Palm OS Protein applications, which are ARM-native applications written using the Palm OS Protein APIs.
Palm OS Protein applications, among other things:
can be multithreaded,
can access schema and extended databases, and
can employ Palm OS Cobalt's multimedia framework
Palm OS Protein applications only run on Palm OS Cobalt and later.
To develop applications that span all Palm OS releases, use 68K API.
3. Choose Your Programming Language and Tools.
Most Palm OS applications are written in C/C++, though Visual Basic and Java are also available.
Palm OS Developer Suite is the official development environment and tool chain from PalmSource.