The operations of currying and uncurrying a function can be expressed in the lambda calculus as
define Curry = λf . λx . λy . f <x,y>
define Uncurry = λf . λp . f (head p) (tail p)
provided the pairing operation <x,y> = (cons x y)
and the functions (head p)
and (tail p)
are available.
Therefore the two versions of the addition operation are related as follows:
Curry sum = add and Uncurry add = sum
One advantage of currying is that it permits the “partial application” of a
Consider an example using Twice
that takes advantage of the currying of functions:
define Twice = λf . λx . f (f x)
If D
is any domain, the syntax (or signature) for Twice
can be described as
Twice: (D → D) → D → D
Given the square function, sqr: N→N
where N
stands for the natural numbers, it follows that
(Twice sqr): N → N
is itself a function. This new function can be named
define FourthPower = Twice sqr
Observe that FourthPower
is defined without any reference to its argument.
Defining new functions in this way embodies the spirit of functional programming.
Much of the power of a functional programming language lies in its ability to define and apply higher-order functions