Slide 10.2: Applications of Hoare logic
Slide 10.4: The weakest precondition wp

Applications of Hoare Logic (Cont.)

Precondition/postcondition pairs can be useful in specifying the expected behavior of programs—the programmer simply writes down the conditions he or she expects to be true at each step in a program. For example, a program that sorts the array a[1] … a[n] could be specified as follows:
   {n ≥ 1 and for all i, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, a[i] = A[i]}
   {sorted( a ) and permutation( a, A )}
The assertions are as follows: Such preconditions and postconditions are often capable of being tested for validity during execution of the program, as a kind of error checking. For example, the C language also has a rudimentary but useful macro library for checking simple assertions: assert.h. Using this library and the macro assert allows programs to be terminated with an error message on assertion failure, which can be a useful debugging feature:

 #include  <assert.h>
 #include  <stdio.h>
 #include  <stdlib.h>
 int main( int arc, char* argv[ ] ) {
   int x = 0; 
   int y = ; 
   for ( x = 0;  x < 20;  x++ ) {
     printf( "\nx = %d   y = %d", x, y ); 
     assert( x < y ); 

This program keeps printing the values of x and y. When x ≥ y, the program halts and an error message is printed.