Linux Server Sign-in

You may use an SSH (Secure Shell) client such as PuTTY to access the server by using the following parameters:
  • Host Name (or IP address):

    • for students or
    • for faculty,

  • Port: 22, and
  • Connection type: SSH .
Alternatively, you may create the scripts on your PC and then transfer them to undcemcs02 by using an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) tool such as WinSCP.

If you are not able to connect to the server or

wirelessly or remotely, you may need to use VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access it.
Note that working from a distance is a trend, so this is a good chance for you to be familiar with it.
Follow the steps below:
  1. Download and install Global Protect VPN on your own computer by following the given instructions.

  2. Download and install Duo Mobile on your own smartphone by following the given instructions.

After that, start the server sign-in procedure:
  1. When you have the GlobalProtect Client, enter     ( expired)

    as a portal entry in the client and click on the blue connect button.

  2. At the NDUS portal popped up, enter your NDUS ID & password, and call your smartphone (or enter a passcode).

  3. Check the Duo Mobile on your smartphone and click on the button, Approve.






      Teacher: What is further away, Australia or the Moon?    
      Pupil: Australia, you can see the Moon at night.