build.gradle (Module: app)

In the past, setting up the Android execution environment could be complicated. Using Eclipse saved us much trouble, but it was still not easy. Since Android Studio adopted Gradle, the task becomes much easier. Gradle is an open source build automation system that builds upon It also introduces a Groovy-based domain-specific language (DSL) instead of the XML form used by Apache Maven of declaring the project configuration. Gradle is a plugin based system. This means if you have your own programming language and you want to automate the task of building some package (output like a JAR for Java) from sources then you can write a complete plugin in Java or Groovy, and distribute it to rest of world. Below is the build.gradle file used in this app if the HttpClient class is used. If Android SDK 23 above is used, add the following code under buildToolsVersion:
     useLibrary  'org.apache.http.legacy'

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