Inverted Indexes (Cont.)

Indexes can be constructed in a way that supports phrase or proximity searching. These allow users to search, for example, for “Search Kit” as a complete phrase, as opposed to searching for documents that contain the terms “search” and “kit” anywhere in their content.

In an index that supports phrase searching, a term’s linear position in a document is recorded along with a reference to the document the term appears in. Searching for a phrase amounts to searching for a series of terms that appear in consecutive order. Another way to reduce index size and increase index quality is to employ a minimum term frequency (MTF) during text extraction.

An indexing system that supports MTF skips over terms that appear in a document fewer than a specified number of times because if a term appears only once in a document, that document is not likely to be a useful source of information on that topic. An information retrieval system that needs to support phrase searches should not exclude words from an index based on term frequency.

      What are the strongest days of the week?    
      Saturday and Sunday. The rest are weekdays.