The following slides introduce various information retrieval methods.

Slide 6.1: Information retrieval (IR)
Slide 6.2: Information retrieval (cont.)
Slide 6.3: Automatic text processing next class starting at
Slide 6.4: Lexical analysis
Slide 6.5: Lexical analysis (cont.)

Slide 6.6: Removing stopwords
Slide 6.7: Removing stopwords (cont.)

Slide 6.8: Performing stemming
Slide 6.9: Performing stemming (cont.)
Slide 6.10: Performing stemming (cont.)
Slide 6.11: Performing stemming (cont.)

Slide 6.12: Synonym matching
Slide 6.13: Synonym matching (cont.)

Slide 6.14: Inverted indexes
Slide 6.15: Inverted indexes (cont.)

Slide 6.16: Data classification and data clustering
Slide 6.17: Data classification based on decision trees
Slide 6.18: Web classification using modified decision trees
Slide 6.19: Data clustering methods
Slide 6.20: Data clustering methods (cont.)
Slide 6.21: Signature files

  ☂ References

Slide 6.a: Information retrieval book
Slide 6.b: Introduction to information retrieval

      Husband & his wife went for divorce at court    
      Judge: “U have 3 kids ... How will u divide them?”    
      He had long discussion with his wife & said:    
      “OK, sir, we will come next year with 1 more.”