§ Class Slides 3: Essential Technologies for Exercise Construction

Class Slides 2: Programming Exercise I
Class Slides 4: PHP (HyperText Preprocessor)

The following slides introduce the essential software and tools for building the Programming Exercise I.

  A. MySQL-driven Web Site Construction

Slide 3.a1: MySQL-driven web site construction
Slide 3.a2: Database design
Slide 3.a3: Database implementation (SQL)
Slide 3.a4: Web user interface construction [(X)HTML]
Slide 3.a5: Calling a PHP script with embedded SQL (PHP)

  B. Essential Software and Tools

Slide 3.b1: Linux server sign-in
Slide 3.b2: Using VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Slide 3.b3: Using Linux shell
Slide 3.b4: Basic Linux shell commands
Slide 3.b5: Linux file system
Slide 3.b6: Basic Emacs commands
Slide 3.b7: Writing HTML scripts
Slide 3.b8: Using PHP
Slide 3.b9: MySQL databases
Slide 3.b10: Using MySQL database
Slide 3.b11: MySQL Workbench
Slide 3.b12: Using MySQL Workbench
Slide 3.b13: Using MySQL text monitor

  ☂ References

Slide 3.a: Linux command line reference card
Slide 3.b: Emacs reference card
Slide 3.c: HTML tutorial
Slide 3.d: CSS tutorial

      “Sometimes one likes foolish people for their folly,    
      better than wise people for their wisdom.”    
      ― Elizabeth Gaskell, Wives and Daughters