lynx: A Text Browser (Cont.)

The following interface demonstrates how to use lynx in PHP scripts. This interface searches the URL content for the lines containing the keyword.

You may need to create the empty file result.txt initially, and open it via
     shell> chmod 777 result.txt 
Otherwise, the file result.txt may not be written.

Displaying the Lines in the URL Content Containing the Keyword


  A keyword:


# Remove leading and trailing spacing.
$URL     = trim( $_POST["URL"] );
$keyword = trim( $_POST["keyword"] );

# For security, remove some Unix metacharacters.
$meta    = array( ";", ">", ">>", ";", "*", "?", "&", "|" );
$URL     = str_replace( $meta, "", $URL );
$keyword = str_replace( $meta, "", $keyword );

if ( $_POST['act'] == "Search the URL content" ) {
  header( "Content-type: text/plain" );
  $cmd = "lynx -dump -source '" . $URL . "' > result.txt";
  echo  ( $cmd . "\n\n" );
  system( "chmod 777 result.txt ../2/" );
  system( $cmd );
  system( "chmod 755 result.txt ../2/" );
  $cmd = "grep  $keyword result.txt";
  echo  ( $cmd . "\n\n\n" );
  system( $cmd );

elseif ( $_POST["act"] == "Display the URL content" ) {
  header( "Content-type: text/plain" );
  $cmd = "lynx -dump -source '" . $URL . "' > result.txt";
  echo  ( $cmd . "\n\n\n" );
  system( "chmod 777 result.txt ../2/" );
  system( $cmd );
  system( "chmod 755 result.txt ../2/" );
  system( "cat result.txt" );

elseif ( $_POST["act"] == "Help" ) {
  header( "Content-type: text/html" );
  $file = fopen( "Help.html", "r" ) or
    exit( "Unable to open file!" );
  while ( !feof( $file ) )
    echo  fgets( $file );
  fclose( $file );

else {
  header( "Content-type: text/html" );
  echo( "<html><body>" );
  echo( "<h3>No such option: " . $_POST["act"] . "" );
  echo( "</body></html>" );


The following PHP and Unix functions are used:

      “We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”    
      ― Martin Luther King Jr.