A TensorFlow.js Example

The file carsData.json contains the data of many cars and a portion of it is shown on the right. This example is to predict its MPG (miles per gallon) according to the horsepower of a car based on the file. It performs the following operations:
  1. Collecting data,
  2. Preparing data,
  3. Training a model, and
  4. Evaluating the model.
Other than the predication, it also draws two graphs:
  • Horsepower vs MPG, and
  • # of training iterations vs loss values.
    "Name": "chevrolet chevelle malibu",
    "Miles_per_Gallon": 18,
    "Cylinders": 8,
    "Displacement": 307,
    "Horsepower": 130,
    "Weight_in_lbs": 3504,
    "Acceleration": 12,
    "Year": "1970-01-01",
    "Origin": "USA"
    "Name": "buick skylark 320",
    "Miles_per_Gallon": 15,
    "Cylinders": 8,
    "Displacement": 350,
    "Horsepower": 165,
    "Weight_in_lbs": 3693,
    "Acceleration": 11.5,
    "Year": "1970-01-01",
    "Origin": "USA"
    "Name": "plymouth satellite",
    "Miles_per_Gallon": 18,
    "Cylinders": 8,
    "Displacement": 318,
    "Horsepower": 150,
    "Weight_in_lbs": 3436,
    "Acceleration": 11,
    "Year": "1970-01-01",
    "Origin": "USA"

  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs"></script>
  <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@tensorflow/tfjs-vis"></script>
  <title>Car TensorFlow.js</title>
   <input name="hp" id="hp" size="7" value="85" />
   <input type="button" onClick="runTF( )" value="Train and test" />
   <input type="reset" />
   The predicted MPG is <span id="answer">0.00</span> miles per gallon.
   <div id="plot1"></div>
   <div id="plot2"></div>

   // Extracting the required data 
   function extractData( obj ) {
    return { x:obj.Horsepower, y:obj.Miles_per_Gallon };
   function removeErrors( obj ) {
    return ( ( obj.x != null ) && ( obj.y != null ) );

   // Plotting the extracted data
   function tfPlot( values, surface ) {
    tfvis.render.scatterplot( surface,
     { values:values, series:[ 'Original', 'Predicted' ] },
     { xLabel:'Horsepower', yLabel:'MPG' } );

   // Main function
   async function runTF( ) {
    const jsonData = await fetch( "carsData.json" );
    let values = await jsonData.json( );
    values = values.map( extractData ).filter( removeErrors );

    // Plotting the Data
    const surface1 = document.getElementById( "plot1" );
    const surface2 = document.getElementById( "plot2" );
    tfPlot( values, surface1 );

    // Converting the input to Tensors
    const inputs = values.map( obj => obj.x );
    const labels = values.map( obj => obj.y );
    const inputTensor = tf.tensor2d( inputs, [inputs.length, 1] );
    const labelTensor = tf.tensor2d( labels, [labels.length, 1] );
    const inputMin = inputTensor.min( );  
    const inputMax = inputTensor.max( );
    const labelMin = labelTensor.min( );
    const labelMax = labelTensor.max( );
    const nmInputs = inputTensor.sub(inputMin).div( inputMax.sub(inputMin) );
    const nmLabels = labelTensor.sub(labelMin).div( labelMax.sub(labelMin) );

    // Creating a Tensorflow model
    const model = tf.sequential( ); 
    model.add( tf.layers.dense( { inputShape:[1], units:1, useBias:true } ) );
    model.add( tf.layers.dense( { units: 1, useBias: true } ) );
    model.compile( { loss:'meanSquaredError', optimizer:'sgd' } );

    // Starting training
    await trainModel( model, nmInputs, nmLabels, surface2 );

    // Un-normalizing the data
    let unX = tf.linspace( 0, 1, 111 );      
    let unY = model.predict( unX.reshape( [111, 1] ) );      
    const unNormunX = unX
     .mul( inputMax.sub( inputMin ) )
     .add( inputMin );
    const unNormunY = unY
     .mul( labelMax.sub( labelMin ) )
     .add( labelMin );
    unX = unNormunX.dataSync( );
    unY = unNormunY.dataSync( );

    // Testing the model
    const predicted = Array.from(unX).map( (val, i) => {
     return { x: val, y: unY[i] }
    } );
    tfPlot( [values, predicted], surface1 );

    // Finding the MPG of the input horsepower
    var hp = parseInt( document.getElementById( "hp" ).value );
    unX.sort( ( a, b ) => a[0] - b[0] );
    let x1 = unX[0];
    for ( let i = 1; i < unX.length-1; i++ ) {
     let x2 = unX[i];
     if ( ( x1 <= hp ) && ( hp < x2 ) ) {
      document.getElementById("answer").innerHTML = Math.round( unY[i-1] );
     x1 = x2;
   }     // End of the main function runTF( )

   // Asyncronous function to train the model
   async function trainModel( model, inputs, labels, surface ) {
    const batchSize = 25;
    const epochs = 50;
    const callbacks = tfvis.show.fitCallbacks(
     surface, ['loss'], { callbacks:['onEpochEnd'] } );
    return await model.fit( inputs, labels,
     { batchSize, epochs, shuffle:true, callbacks:callbacks } );
   }     // End of trainModel

      Q: What’s the hottest letter in the alphabet?    
      A: ‘B’, because it makes oil…Boil!