Stored Procedures

The java.sql.CallableStatement interface provides us to access a stored procedure which has several advantages over embedded SQL: The table accounts_tbl can be reset from the previous slide.

 SQL> CREATE TABLE accounts_tbl (
   2    account_id  INT  PRIMARY KEY,
   3    balance     REAL NOT NULL );
 Table created.

The following stored procedure sp_interest is defined in the program below:

    id IN INTEGER,  old OUT FLOAT,  new OUT FLOAT ) IS
    SELECT  balance  INTO  old  FROM  accounts_tbl
      WHERE  account_id = id;
    new := old + old * args[0].trim( );
    UPDATE  accounts_tbl  SET  balance = new
      WHERE  account_id = id;

Pct (args[0]) =

Statement  stmt1 = conn.createStatement( );
String     cmd   =
  "CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE  sp_interest (" +
    "id IN INTEGER,  old OUT FLOAT,  new OUT FLOAT ) IS " +
  "BEGIN " +
    "SELECT  balance  INTO  old  FROM  accounts_tbl " +
      "WHERE  account_id = id; " +
    "new := old + old * args[0].trim( )" + ";" +
    "UPDATE  accounts_tbl  SET  balance = new " +
      "WHERE  account_id = id; " +
stmt1.execute( cmd );
stmt1.close( );

CallableStatement  stmt2;
stmt2 = conn.prepareCall  ( "BEGIN  sp_interest( ?, ?, ? );  END;" );
stmt2.registerOutParameter( 2, java.sql.Types.FLOAT );
stmt2.registerOutParameter( 3, java.sql.Types.FLOAT );
for ( int i = 1;  i <= 5;  i++ ) {
  stmt2.setInt    ( 1, i+1000 );
  stmt2.execute   ( );
  System.out.print( "account_id: "  + Integer.toString( i+1000 ) );
  System.out.print( "old balance: " + stmt2.getFloat( 2 ) );
  System.out.print( "new balance: " + stmt2.getFloat( 3 ) );
stmt2.close( );

If your stored procedure has output parameters, you need to register their types using registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) before executing the stored procedure.

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