DBMS Classification Matrix (Cont.)
The Top Two Quadrants: Universal Applications and Servers
A server with both relational and object-relational capabilities is called a
universal server
An application that requires both upper-right and upper-left capabilities is a
universal application
, which includes
Risk assessment and fraud detection in the insurance industry
Modernizing a traditional human resources application
Multimedia and GIS data enhance travel reservation systems
Removing the mapping layer: tracking part numbers
Technological drivers in the DBMS market include
Business data processing applications will largely become universal applications.
New multimedia applications will drive the market.
Universal servers and object-relational DBMSs is the largest database market in the year 2005. They combine
the object-relational features from Quadrant 4, and
scalability and good transaction processing from Quadrant 2.
The picture on the right gives relative size of DBMS markets in year 2005.