A Non-Relational Representation

To solve the problems from the relational model, the vehicle manufacturer example can be represented by a non-relational model which supports the following three properties:
  1. Type declarations are as flexible as in programming languages.

  2. Referencing: Objects can be uniquely identified independently of their attribute values.

  3. Reuse of information is possible by
    • Aggregation: New objects are built out of existing ones.
    • Specialization: It allows inheritance of structure and behavior.
Below shows how the entities are redefined by using a non-relational representation.

This entity has a name, age and domicile, and possesses a private fleet.

PersNo Name ...
Person: [
  Name: String,
  Age: Integer,
  Domicile: Address,
  Fleet: { Vehicle } ]

It is with specific qualifications, salary, and family members.

EmplNo ...

Employee is-a Person: [
  Qualifications: { String },
  Salary: Integer,
  Familymember: { Person } ]

Each employee specializes a person. By means of inheritance, the structure of persons is reused for employees.

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