SQL> CREATE FUNCTION increase( x INT ) RETURN INT IS 2 BEGIN 3 x := x + 1; -- change x, a parameter variable 4 -- **ERROR — WON’T COMPILE** 5 RETURN x; -- We should have written “return x+1” 6 END; 7 / Warning: Function created with compilation errors. |
increase(x in out int)
in arbitrary SQL statement, because SQL expressions are not supposed to change data.
Since parameter variables must be read-only, we need to declare local variables to hold immediate and final results.
SQL> CREATE TYPE name_type AS OBJECT ( 2 lname VARCHAR(32), 3 fname VARCHAR(32), 4 mi CHAR(1) ); Type created. SQL> CREATE TYPE person_type AS OBJECT ( 2 ssno INT, 3 pname name_type, 4 age INT ); Type created. SQL> CREATE TABLE people_tab OF person_type; Table created. SQL> INSERT INTO people_tab VALUES ( 2 person_type( 123456789, name_type( 'Door', 'Kids', 'N' ), 36 ) ); 1 row created. |
My little brother wanted to know what happens after we die. I explained that we get dumped in a hole under a pile of dirt, and then worms eat our bodies. I probably should have told him the truth ― that most people go to hell and burn in a lake of fire for all eternity ― but I didn’t want to upset him. |