Mobile-Commerce App Architecture

A stand-alone mobile-commerce app (like an electronic-commerce application) usually includes the following three layers:
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Every up-to-date software requires to provide GUI to facilitate the interactions between users and the software. The Android Studio includes the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) function for creating the interface.

Application Software
This level actually processes data. It may consist of one or more separate modules because of the high complexity. Android uses Java language for this layer.

Embedded Storage
The storage refers to either embedded databases or hardware memory (like RAM or flash memory), or both. The SQLite embedded database is included in Android operating system.
However, stand-alone apps are not useful because the data can not be sent to the businesses. Most apps are connected to the servers, which provide more powerful server-side application software and databases.

      Don’t lend her money. I trust her about    
      as far as I can throw (only slightly) her.