PHP includes some XML functions. Among them, SimpleXML handles the most common XML tasks and leaves the rest for other extensions.

SimpleXML is able to perform basic tasks like:
  • reading XML files,
  • extracting data from XML strings, and
  • editing text nodes or attributes.
An XML file catalog.xml is on the right. The program below performs the following tasks:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
   <title>Super Mario All Stars</title>
   <title>New Super Mario Bros/title>
   <title>Super Mario Galaxy</title>
  1. Load the XML file by using the function simplexml_load_file.
  2. Get the name of the first element by using the function getName.
  3. Create a loop that will trigger on each child node, using the children function.
  4. Output the element name and data for each child/descendant node.
    $xml = simplexml_load_file( "" );
    echo  strtoupper( $xml->getName( ) ) . "<br />";
    $no = 0;
    foreach( $xml->children( ) as $child1 ) {
      echo  "<br />Game #" . ++$no . "<br />"; 
      foreach( $child1->children( ) as $child2 )
        if ( $child2->getName( ) != "" )
          echo  $child2->getName( ) . ": <em>" . $child2 . "</em><br />";

      My father drank so heavily,    
      when he blew on the birthday cake he lit the candles.    
      — Les Dawson