// Fill up array with course titles.
$a[] = "160 Computer Science I";
$a[] = "161 Computer Science II";
$a[] = "230 Systems Programming";
$a[] = "242 Algorithms and Data Structures";
$a[] = "289 Social Implications of Computer Technology";
$a[] = "363 User Interface Design";
$a[] = "365 Organization of Programming Languages";
$a[] = "451 Operating Systems I";
$a[] = "457 Electronic Commerce Systems";
$a[] = "465 Principles of Translation";
$a[] = "Chem121 General Chemistry I";
$a[] = "Chem122 General Chemistry II";
$a[] = "Comm110 Fundamentals of Public Speaking";
$a[] = "EE201 Introduction to Digital Electronics";
$a[] = "EE202 Electrical Engineering Laboratory";
$a[] = "Engl110 College Composition I";
$a[] = "Engl130 Composition II: Writing for Public Audiences";
$a[] = "Math146 Applied Calculus I";
$a[] = "Math165 Calculus I";
$a[] = "Math166 Calculus II";
$a[] = "Math208 Discrete Mathematics";
$a[] = "Math321 Applied Statistical Methods";
// Get the q parameter from URL.
$q = $_GET["q"];
// Look up all hints from array if length of q > 0.
if ( strlen($q) > 0 ) {
$hint = "";
for ( $i=0; $i<count($a); $i++ )
if ( strtolower($q) ==
strtolower( substr( $a[$i], 0, strlen($q) ) ) )
if ( $hint == "" )
$hint = $a[$i];
$hint = $hint . ", " . $a[$i];
// Set output to "no suggestion" if no hint were found
// or to the correct values.
if ( $hint == "" )
$response = "No suggestion";
$response = $hint;
// Output the response.
echo $response;