Slide 3.6: Personal websites
Slide 3.8: CGI (Common Gateway Interface)

Writing HTML Scripts

  1. Apply for a UND Aerospace Unix Account. Apply for a UND Aerospace Unix account at the helpdesk in Room 160, Clifford Hall. Do not forget to bring your student ID card with you.

  2. Check the HTML Help Pages.

  3. Create a Sub-directory “public_html” under the Root Directory. Create the directory by using the command mkdir:
      shell> mkdir ~/public_html
    where the symbol ~ is the user's root in the Unix file system.

  4. Create an HTML Script. Create/edit an HTML script in the public_html directory. An example script is ~/public_html/test.html. Check the HTML Tutorial for how to write HTML scripts.

  5. Open the HTML Script. Open the HTML script to let the browser, which is not the owner of the script, access it by using the command chmod. For the example of ~/public_html/test.html, perform the following operations:
      shell> chmod 755 ~/../userid
      shell> chmod 755 ~/public_html/
      shell> chmod 755 ~/public_html/test.html
    where userid is your Unix account identifier.

  6. View the HTML Script on a Browser. You can then check the HTML script on the browser. For the example of the HTML script ~/public_html/test.html, the page is at the location: