How to Construct the Programming Exercise II
There are many ways to construct a web-enabled database system such as LAMP or ASP.NET.
This course uses the following steps including CGI, JDBC, and Oracle to create the system:
- Database and JDBC (or other host languages) setup,
- Database design,
- Database implementation (SQL),
- Web user interface construction [(X)HTML],
- Calling a CGI script (Unix shell),
- Calling a CGI script (Perl), and
- Database accessing embedded in Java host language (JDBC).
These steps and tools are not definite nor unique.
You may take other approaches.
This approach has the following advantages and disadvantages:
- Advantages:
It is powerful and flexible and has no problems implementing most web applications.
- Disadvantages:
Primitive tools are used in this approach.
Therefore, advanced programming skills are required.