The following programming languages may be used to implement a file-driven web site in this course:
which is one of the most used object-oriented languages, a superset of C.
CGI (Common Gateway Interface),
which is a standard for running external programs from a World Wide Web HTTP server.
(X)HTML [(eXtensible) HyperText Markup Language],
which is a language for creating documents containing cross-references which allow readers to move easily from one document to another.
XHTML is a stricter and cleaner version of HTML.
which is a language especially designed for text processing.
Unix shell commands,
which are commands to the part of the Unix operating system that interfaces with the outside world.
Three terms are defined as follows:
Web and database servers,
which are processes running at host computers for managing web pages and databases, respectively.
File systems,
which are the methods and data structures that an operating system uses to keep track of files on a disk or partition; the way the files are organized on the disk.