CSci351 Introduction to File Processing: Homework 4
Due date: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 in class
Each homework may have a different weight, which is based on its difficulty level.
Absolutely no copying others' work
Why is Title not used as a primary key in the Recording file described in Chapter 7?
If it were used as a secondary key, what problems would have to be considered in deciding on a canonical form for titles? (35%)
When a record in a data file is updated, corresponding primary and secondary key indexes may or may not have to be altered, depending on whether the file has fixed- or variable-length records, and depending on the type of change made to the data record. Make a list of the different updating situations that can occur, and explain how each affects the indexes. (35%)
How are the structures in Figure 7.13 changed by the addition of the recording? (30%)