Third-Party Java Open Source Libraries

The third-party libraries demonstrate the real power of Java and make Java one of the most popular language on the planet. Few of them are as follows:

Apache Commons
The purpose of the Apache Commons is to provide reusable, open source Java software, so it simplifies a lot of tasks. There is no point in re-inventing the wheels. We should prefer using tried and tested libraries instead of writing our own routines every now and then.

Google Guava
Google Guava is an open-source set of common libraries for Java. It’s a useful source of miscellaneous utility functions and classes. It’s basically a core library for immutable collections, string manipulation, caching, primitives support, and easier I/O functions.

Jackson is high-performance JSON processor. Jackson is a multi-purpose Java library for processing JSON and XML data format. It’s a fast, lightweight, and user-friendly library for developers.

Hibernate ORM (object-relational mapping) is a Java library that provides a framework to perform object-relational mapping and query databases using HQL (Hibernate Query Language) and SQL. Hibernate supports the mapping of Java classes to database tables.

JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding)
JAXB provides a fast and convenient way to bind XML schemas and Java representations, making it easy for Java developers to incorporate XML data and processing functions in Java applications. JAXB provides methods for reading XML instance documents into Java content trees, and then writing Java content trees back into XML instance documents.

      And the Lord said unto John,    
      “Come forth and you will receive eternal life.”    
      But John came fifth, and won a toaster.