Slide 9.13: Arrays (cont.)
Slide 10.2: A database processing example

Programming Exercise IV: A Simple Online Bookstore
(Industry-Level, Second-to-None Comprehensive Specifications)

Absolutely no copying others’ works
According to a study, students in computer-science courses learn much more by building large-scale exercises instead of many small-scale test programs.
Development Requirements
When start developing the exercise, follow the three requirements below:

Due Date and Submission Methods
On or before Thursday, December 12, 2019 in class and have completed the following three tasks:

Design and implement a simple online bookstore including multiple customers by using Microsoft ASP.NET and Microsoft Access database.

Exercise Requirements
The bookstore includes the following features:

An Example of Web Page Display
Note that this example is not related to this exercise. It is only to show how to display web pages.

The following features will be considered when grading: