Slide 4.2: Assembling, linking, and running a program
Slide 4.4: Microsoft's Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition

DOS (Disk Operating System) (Cont.)

Simple DOS commands (cont.)

Disk and File Management
Command Description Example
FIND "string" filename Searches for a text string in a file or files. FIND "mov" lab1.asm
COPY source destination Copies file. COPY lab1.asm lab2.asm
XCOPY source destination Copies files and directory trees. XCOPY A:*.* B: /S
DEL Deletes files. DEL lab2.asm
REN old new Renames the file. REN lab1.asm proj1.asm

Directory Management
Command Description Example
TREE Display a directory structure. TREE A:
MKDIR Creates a directory. MKDIR C:\250\labs\1
RMDIR Removes an empty directory. RMDIR 250\labs\2
CD Changes the current directory. CD C:\250\labs

Other DOS Commands
Command Description
CLS Clears the screen.
DATE Displays and/or sets the date on the computer's clock.
ECHO Is primarily used in batch files both to display messages and to prevent the display of commands.
EXIT Quits the command interpreter.
HELP Provides help information for Windows commands.

Keyboard Commands
Command Description
<Ctrl><Alt><Del> Restarts the system.
<Ctrl><Break> Aborts current process and returns to DOS.
<Pause> Stops screen scrolling. Press any key to continue.