Slide 4.12: General-purpose registers
Slide 4.14: Control and status flags

Integer Constants

An integer constant is made up of an optional leading sign, one or more digits and an optional suffix character, a radix, indicating the base:
          [ { + | - } ]  digits  [ radix ]
If no radix is given, the integer constant is assumed to be decimal.

Radix Description
h hexadecimal
q/o octal
d decimal
b binary
r encoded real
t decimal (alternate)
y binary (alternate)
  A hexadecimal constant beginning with a letter must have a leading zero to prevent the assembler from interpreting it as an identifier.  
Constant Representation
130 decimal
78d decimal
10010101b binary
520q octal
34o octal
15A0h hexadecimal
0F1Ah hexadecimal

 Binary and Octal  Decimal and Hexadecimal  Decimal and Hexadecimal
 mov   eax, 1010b - 10q
 call  WriteInt
 mov   eax, 10 * 10h
 call  WriteInt
 mov   eax, 10d + Ah
 call  WriteInt
 Output  Output  Output



The procedure WriteInt writes a 32-bit signed integer to standard output in decimal format with a leading sign and no leading zeros. Before calling it, place the integer in EAX.