// main.cpp - Encrypting a file.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "Encrypt.h"
using namespace std;
const int BUFSIZE = 2000;
char buffer[BUFSIZE];
unsigned int count; // character count
unsigned char encryptCode;
int main( int argcount, char* args[ ] ) {
// Read input and output files from the command line.
if ( argcount < 3 ) {
cout << "Usage: Encrypt infile outfile" << endl;
return( -1 );
cout << "Encryption code [0-255]? ";
cin >> encryptCode;
ifstream infile( args[1], ios::binary );
ofstream outfile( args[2], ios::binary );
cout << "Reading " << args[1] << " and creating " << args[2] << endl;
while ( !infile.eof( ) ) {
infile.read( buffer, BUFSIZE );
count = infile.gcount( ); outfile.write( buffer, count );
return( 0 );
TITLE Encrypt Procedure (Encrypt.asm)
.model flat, C
Encrypt PROTO, .code
Encrypt PROC, mov esi, buf
mov ecx, count
mov al, eChar
L1: xor [esi], al
inc esi
loop L1
Encrypt ENDP