CSci250 Assembly Language Programming
Department of Computer Science, University of North Dakota
Fall 2008

Class times
  & rooms:
Class Time Classroom
Lecture 11:00am – 11:50am, MWF Streibel Hall 106
Lab 01 05:00pm – 07:00pm, Tu Streibel Hall 107
Lab 02 04:00pm – 06:00pm, M Streibel Hall 107

Credit hours: 4
Prerequisites: CSci160 Computer Science I or knowledge of one high-level language
Class pages:

Instructor: Wen-Chen Hu
Office: Streibel Hall 212
Office hours: 04:00pm – 05:00pm, MWF, or simply dropping by

Lab instructor: Varun Krishna
Office: Streibel Hall 229
Office hours: 03:00pm – 04:00pm, MF

DESCRIPTION: This course gives a study of assembly language programming and computer organization. Many homeworks and programming assignments will be given and Intel processors will be used for the programming assignments. The following topics are covered: computer architecture, hardware and software components, data representation, instruction sets, addressing modes, high-level language interface, assembly language programming including data transfers, procedures, conditional processing, and strings and arrays, and some other special topics.

TEXTBOOK: Assembly Language for Intel-Based Computers, 5th Edition, by Kip R. Irvine, Prentice Hall, 2006. (ISBN 0-13-238310-1)

EVALUATION (Class and lab attendance is absolutely required.):
    Homeworks & quizzes    ——  15%
    Laboratory assignments  ——  25%
       (Homework and laboratory weights are based on their difficulty levels.)
    Two exams               ——  20% each
    Final exam              ——  20%
    Weeks  1 –  3  ——  Introduction to assembly language
    Weeks  4 –  5  ——  Assembly language fundamentals
    Weeks  6 –  7  ——  Data transfers, addressing, and arithmetic
    Weeks  8 –  9  ——  Procedures
    Weeks 10 – 11  ——  Conditional processing
    Week       12  ——  Advanced procedures
    Weeks 13 – 14  ——  High-level language interface
    Weeks 15 – 16  ——  Integer arithmetic

DISHONESTY: Under no circumstances will acts of academic dishonesty be tolerated. Any suspected incidents of dishonesty will be promptly referred to the Assistant Dean of Students. Refer to the Code of Student Life, Chapter 3-3 Scholastic Dishonesty.

DISABILITY: Students who need special accommodations for learning or who have special needs are invited to share these concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible.

The on-line class materials provide the most complete and up-to-date information about this course. However, many key points in the slides will be omitted, but will be given in classes. They will be asked or used in the exams, quizzes, or exercises. This is to encourage students to attend classes.

The quizzes are simple and straightforward and will not be announced in advance.