Three Kinds of Computers (Cont.)

Embedded Computers
An embedded computer inside another device is used for running one predetermined application or collection of software. They include the microprocessors found in cars, the computers in cell phones, and the computers in video game systems or TVs. The figure shows various devices with embedded computers.

The PC and mobile phone worldwide sales are given in the following table according to various market research reports. It shows smartphones outperformed other devices for many years. The sales of tablet PCs peaked in 2014 and become steady afterwards.

Year Numbers of Units Shipped (Million)
Feature phones Smartphones PCs and servers Tablet PCs PDAs (without phone capabilities)
2002 432 148 115.1
2003 520 169 11.5
2004 713 189 115.5
2005 813 209 15.9
2006 927 64 239 17.7
2007 1,031 122 271
2008 1,081 139 302
2009 1,055 166 306 1
2010 1,609 286 346 17
2011 1,323 486 365 73
2012 1,048 698 352 128
2013 838 968 296 (PCs only) 195
2014 634 1,245 314 (PCs only) 227
2015 486 1,424 290 (PCs only) 196
2016 396 1,495 270 (PCs only) 169
2017 1,537 263 (PCs only) 160
2018 1,555 259 (PCs only) 146
2019 1,541 261 (PCs only) 145
2020 1,348 295 (PCs only) 164
2021 1,434 340 (PCs only) 169
2022 1,395 287 (PCs only) 137
2023 1,167 251 (PCs only) 129

Review: Embedded Computers
Which statement is NOT true about embedded computers?
      An embedded computer can be found in cars.
      An embedded computer could be used for running a collection of software.
      An embedded computer could be used for running one predetermined application.
      TVs do NOT include embedded computers normally.

      Your conscience is the measure of the honesty of your selfishness.    
      Listen to it carefully.    
      ― Richard Bach, Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah